Permanently Increase the size and improve the health of your penis with the ProExtender penis enlargement system.
The ProExtender System is the worlds leading penis enhancement product. ProExtender has helped thousands of men from all over the world enlarge their penis and overcome their sexual problems.
The ProExtender device was developed by Danish penile surgeon Jorn Ege Siana M.D as way of maintaining length during the healing process after phalloplasty (penis enlargement) surgery, as often the penis would re-tract back into the abdomen resulting in less significant gains. During clinical trials of the device it was found that the group of participants who did not have surgery also experienced increases in penis size.
The Proextender penis enlargement device works by applying tension to the penis. This tension also known as traction causes the cell structure of the penis to adapt. When tissue cells are exposed to external stimuli they have the ability change. In this case the cells that make up the spongy tissue of the penis divide multiply and grow bigger giving the penis the ability to hold and circulate more blood.
When the penis grows from being stretched, it doesn’t just grow at the base or at the tip. Every part of the penis grows because every single cell that makes up the penis is being stretched. This is why the Proextender increases girth as well as length.
Penis enlargement exercises are safe to perform as long as you follow the recommended directions. The ProExtender device is designed to provide a “gentle stretch” over an extended period, so no pain or discomfort should be experienced.
There are also penis stretching exercises included in the system on CD. These exercises are performed with your hands and stretch the penis in ways that the ProExtender can’t. The penis exercises also help strengthen and lengthen muscle and tendons that surround the penis. Make sure you do these exercises, they will make a big difference
The VigRX Plus penis enhancement pills and Semenax semen enhancement pills help speed up results by improving the circulation of blood to and around the penis and improving the health and volume of your semen.
Just like loosing weight or building muscle, enlarging and strengthening your penis is a process that takes time. You should try to wear the device for at least 5-6 hours a day. Most men use the ProExtender at night when they are not as active e.g. watching TV, reading, on the computer, sleeping etc. The ProExtender device is also small enough to be hidden under semi loose fitting clothes. Because your penis is not erect, it can be angled in any direction that is comfortable. So depending on your job you may even be able to wear it at work.
It won’t take very long to notice the effects of the using the ProExtender. Within weeks you will see a great improvement in your ability to last longer and achieve harder erections. Increases in size usually start to appear after 5-6 weeks. To obtain the full benefits and maximum gains it is recommended to use the system for at least 6 months.
The ProExtender system is also covered by a 6 month 100% money back guarantee. You can buy it, try it and if your not satisified simply return it to get your money back. You have nothing to loose and a whole lot to gain.
Safe and Permanent Penis Enlargement with the ProExtender Natural Penis Enlargement System